Unlike what many
ads for internet marketing are going to relay to you, you need to find your pond
of hungry fish before you will ever possess your portion of that Internet Pot
of GOLD!
Some of the
top marketers in internet marketing have an ocean of hungry fish let alone a
pond. Most of us would be content with at least a pond, stream, lake or river of
hungry fish so where do you find it?
The choices
are many between Social Media, paid advertising, referrals, direct mail, article
marketing, Press Releases and free or paid classifieds. Of course these are the
avenues most thought of first and most of these methods will leave you broke or
frustrated if not combined with other methods of marketing. First everyone
needs to understand to be successful in your marketing you cannot be one dimensional in your advertising and you need to be constantly in the hunt new prospects. We cannot stress enough
your money is in the list and you need to bring in new prospects to your email
list constantly knowing that an email contact is a potential sale and better
yet repeat buyer or customer.
Because if
people do not know who you are how do you expect them to buy from you?
At the end
of our last post we had you look into a Fast Track System by reading an eBook
or a collection of eBooks. Then we gave you another option of looking into
Traffic Exchanges or Safelists. Traffic Exchanges and Safelists are an option
over looked by many as saying they are ineffective methods of advertising. We
want tell the Nay Sayers this is far from the truth. When you learn and spend
some time to set up your marketing using Traffic Exchanges and Safelists your
marketing will be working for you while you are doing other business building
tasks and when you are away from your computer. As you read future posts you will
understand these techniques and see how effective these strategies are and will
not only will help you over time but they can help you as soon as overnight
with a constant flow of much needed spam free traffic to you email list and
future sales.
What most
aspiring marketers are misled to believe is how targeted using Traffic
Exchanges and Safelists really are. They are targeted to you and others as the
marketer. The Network Marketer, eCommerce Marketer, Affiliate Marketer, or any product
or service you believe is marketable
online. The key to marketing with Traffic Exchanges and Safelists is not to
sell your high dollar items if any at all. That is right only small ticket
items that draw an interest with no upsells or best yet give away those small
ticket items for free. Yes, FREE! But not exactly free. You want something in
return for your little incentive, bait or free sample. A name and an email
address. It is best to ask only for a first name to make your future contact
with your new contact feel to them more like he or she is being personally
contacted. You can ask for first and last names with a phone number if you
desire and you may get some more serious signups but, you will not get as many
signups therefore less exposure to you and your product or service. Just keep in mind by keeping your capture page and signup form simple means more signups and exposure you are going to
We will talk
about how to separate your active list from your not so active list in a future
post but for now all any of us want to do is build that so elusive list that
keeps us from making money. This means that Traffic Exchanges and Safelists in
the mix with other marketing methods of your choice are productive tools in
building your SPAM FREE profitable permanent marketing list custom built to you
and your marketing ambitions then filling your Internet Pot with GOLD.
When you accept the Free Gift Below you can jump start your business with the same training provided to you in our blog but only faster with this one of a kind online
Boot Camp Training
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Choose One Free eBook offers that best suits you.
Look Into our Video eCourse of the week!
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Click on the banners sign up and surf and post your website for free!
It is best to signup with Gmail but not necessary
Click on the banners sign up and surf and post your website for free!
It is best to signup with Gmail but not necessary

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